Tuesday, February 11, 2014

On roommate and communal living during college life as a student and adult. We live together in one department with new people that we did not face before. The problem with staying with people is because the restriction of freedom example likes playing music, studying during midnight, personal preference and their habits. As a freshman it would be worst because they need to adjust their way of living is difference from what they live to be. 

To adapting with people in a sharing space. We definitely would go through some common roommate problems in the shared space.

How to get along with our roommates? Try to make more friends and know much more people rather than two people because friends don’t stay with you forever. We have to move on when it is time. Building a good relationship with roommates. We have to understand them and do not put high expectation and think negative stuff all the times. This result would become worst.

Build better relationship by:

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