Friday, January 24, 2014

Collective Living Space Research

While doing my research on Collective living can be powerful. Because it allow to share value, social and environment with one another. Together, we hold safety and support individual growth.

In this article link. It shows us and example collective living space works

Some point of Benefits of living collectively:

  • Stronger social networks within our homes
  • supportive community
  • Social belonging autnomoy, and contribution (Psychosocial integration)
  • Greater Economic independence from market systems
  • Save money thorough bulk buying, sharing resources, etc
  • Lighter ecological impact due to better sharing of resources
  • Improved skills for conflict resolution, collaborative decision-making, and accomplishing projects together
  • Other skill sharing with housemates, such as composting, food preservation 
  • Increased awareness of community events thorugh social networks and diverse experience of housemates
  • Eat healthy, home-coked food together regularly

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