Sunday, April 27, 2014

3D model

Google Sketch of Collective Living Space
Creative Commons License

This work is done by Group Hong Yi Feng licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

In the process of designing our site architecture area. It was done by using google sketch start with a dot. Through the process we understand better of the spaces limit and the need for the better environment too. This work was produce out within 8hour.

Modeling Making

Creative Commons License

This work is done by Group Hong Yi Feng licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

We have completed this model making to allow the audience a better visual and understanding of our design concept. Our aim, target and goal.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Process of Model Making

Cutting of container model

Container architecture 80% done

Half of the model 50% done

Cutting of shape

80% complete of model. Left landscape design

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Autocad Drawing

Model layout of three container 

printing layout of three container
Creative Commons License

This work is done by Group Hong Yi Feng licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Through this autocad drawing done by Hong Yi Feng. we able to visualise better understanding of our design concept of the space area for our topic. We aim to acheive low rental fees with comfort facilities for the needs of people. Drawing include of front, side and top elevations, sections and floor plans.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Inspiration concept ideas for our project

A few images I had found quite inspiration for the design development for our project.

 Warped Architecture Takes Over The World
DUPLI.CASA, near Ludwigsburg, Germany; Architects: J. Mayer H. Architects; Associate Architects: Uli Wiesler

Writhing Tower, LYCSArchitecture
Writhing Tower, LYCSArchitecture Model one

Writhing Tower, LYCSArchitecture model two

Image Reference:

first image:

Second image:

Third image:

Four and five image was screenshot from

De Conceicao, Peter. ,’Writhing Tower | LYCS Architecture’.1216 University City Blvd, Blackburg, Virginia 24060: arch2o, 2013. Accessed 7 Mar. 2014 <>

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Through funtional furniture to built better communication

I Screenshot both image at WGSN offical website. I found that both furniture is useful for multifuntional for the interior space with the people you living with. It built better communication with one another during free time session.

'The world tread forecaster'. Greater London House: wgsn, 2012. Accessed 1 April. 2014 <>

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Meet up session with teammate

It was a productive day to finalist the report. Meeting up with teammate built better communication and fast respond to the problem issue we had.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

What is the problem? Pros and Cons

Designing the layout


Cubinet and Cabrox

Portable & Flopla
Develop solution
We combine cubinet, crabrox, pocutable and flopla. Why we choose all is because Cubinet, Crabrox and Pocutable is the same concept of living and Flopla which is living above the sea. In this design concept we are developing an architecture style of living to bring people much more closer with the design concept we will be going to design later on.

Creative Commons License

This work is done by Group ABC licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Friday, March 21, 2014

4 Main Topic

Sea Living

Space Living

Land Living

Method make life easier

Our Group came out with 4 main topic ideas of Collective Living Space. We mainly focus on land living and sea living.

Creative Commons License

This work is done by Group ABC licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Brainstorming. 101 ways for Collective Living Space

Brainstorming. 101 ways for Collective Living Space

During the class brainstorming session we came out of afew of great ideas we had and the ideas other group had shared with us. Such as, Modular homes, branded shop should designed in a smaller concept. 

In this session there are no wrong or right ideas. I feel that we should follow form follow function and function follow form to make the design more comfortabling and useful for the human being like us

Creative Commons License

This work is done by Group ABC licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

What is the average utilities bill between two people?

Fourm user name Cressida posted this question for advise in the property in singapore Expats forum

I live in a 1184 sqft / 110 sqm condo (sorry I got the measurement wrong before). 3 bedrooms (1 being rather small and unused)

There are only 2 of us but my flatemate abuses the AC, watches TV regularly, leaves the hospitality lights on at night and frequently uses the washing machine and drier to wash just one flannel. I am not home much, just late at night and try to be environmentally friendly.

Our bills over 5 months are $239 on average which I think is way higher than it should be. I was paying $90 on average per month living on my own and back then I spent way more time chilling in the apartment. Statistically, splitting bills is normally cheaper between multiple persons as opposed to one person absorbing the full amount.

She is expecting me to pay half of that and explaining that the first second bill of the month is an estimation which can inflate the price. She also said that the apartment is "big so absorbs more electricity." We only use AC in our average sized bedrooms. I don't think that either argument stands.

Anyhow, what do you think the average SP bill is between two people in an apartment (any kind, HDB or condo.) All quotes appreciated.

Last edited by Cressida on Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

There are a few reply which help the user.

$140 to $160 was my norm in a similar situation. 

Now in a 4 bedroom 1500ft2 apartment with two aircons at night (only) we pay about $230 a month. We don't have a dryer and we wash clothes every second day at most (usually every 3rd). We have four people in the house using hot water. 

Aircon has a HUGE effect as well as hotwater heaters (and dryers). 

The age and style of the aircon units may also be ineffecient. 

Your flat mate is extremely wasteful IMO but she's unlikely to give up her Singapore birthright to sleep with aircon on. Try to get her to turn it off in the day at least and use fans.

by:PNGMK Manager Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:47 pm

$120 on average here. In a 3 bed condo, never use aircon and don't have a dryer. 

Had a guest staying for a while and the bill went up by about $50 a month, occasional aircon I guess.

By:bgd Chatter Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 10:50 pm

$275 - we have the air-con turned on at least 18 hours each day. just my wife and i live in a 3-bedder. we don't cook. 

i don't use hot water, but my wife does. she takes 2 showers a day, ~25 minutes in total. 

we use the washer and dryer (full load) at least once a week. perhaps a half load once or twice a month. 

among the other usual electrical appliances, we also have a hot/cold water dispenser, laptop + printer and 3 full-sized plasmacluster units that are left on 24 hours/day. 

we also keep a few lights turned on 24 hours a day.

By:taxico Manager Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:17 am 

Detail about renting fees where posted by: Beeroclock
Chatter at Mon Feb 24, 2014 2:22 pm

additional details as requested for this growing database.... 
1350 sqft / 2 pax $200/mth avg 
1000 sqft / 2 pax $150/mth avg 
1350 sqft / 5 pax $320 /mth avg


Sunday, February 23, 2014

Combine Group meet up for question and survey session


At Blk 14 kampong arang

After interview the 8th household

Sending survey to friends to expand our answers

At blk 14 kampong arang . After interviewing with different race and people who stay as tenant or household family. I had counter one who previously stay in a four room flat and moved in a three room flat due to low income and unable to support the flat. Due to this reason they had to stay in a three room flat. They are satisfied with the space they have now. Husband, wife and one son.

As one of the tenant who rented a three room flat cost them SGD 2300 per month. In this area with inconvience for buying food, supermarket which cost this high amount of money which i think is not worth at all.     

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

On roommate and communal living during college life as a student and adult. We live together in one department with new people that we did not face before. The problem with staying with people is because the restriction of freedom example likes playing music, studying during midnight, personal preference and their habits. As a freshman it would be worst because they need to adjust their way of living is difference from what they live to be. 

To adapting with people in a sharing space. We definitely would go through some common roommate problems in the shared space.

How to get along with our roommates? Try to make more friends and know much more people rather than two people because friends don’t stay with you forever. We have to move on when it is time. Building a good relationship with roommates. We have to understand them and do not put high expectation and think negative stuff all the times. This result would become worst.

Build better relationship by:

Friday, January 24, 2014

Collective Living Space Research

While doing my research on Collective living can be powerful. Because it allow to share value, social and environment with one another. Together, we hold safety and support individual growth.

In this article link. It shows us and example collective living space works

Some point of Benefits of living collectively:

  • Stronger social networks within our homes
  • supportive community
  • Social belonging autnomoy, and contribution (Psychosocial integration)
  • Greater Economic independence from market systems
  • Save money thorough bulk buying, sharing resources, etc
  • Lighter ecological impact due to better sharing of resources
  • Improved skills for conflict resolution, collaborative decision-making, and accomplishing projects together
  • Other skill sharing with housemates, such as composting, food preservation 
  • Increased awareness of community events thorugh social networks and diverse experience of housemates
  • Eat healthy, home-coked food together regularly